Psychic Surgery

60 mins - $222

During our session, we will harness the power of universal energy, commonly known as Reiki, to guide you towards a state of healing. Following this, I will tap into the Akashic Records, delving into the depths of your soul's history to identify any potential interferences with your current well-being. It is worth noting that past-life injuries or experiences can sometimes leave imprints that manifest as physical or emotional pain in our present lives. Through collaboration with your higher self, the Akashic Gatekeeper, and the Divine Source, we will work towards releasing any energies or influences that no longer serve your highest good, facilitating your journey towards holistic well-being


Christine, You are seriously the best! I can't put in words how much you have helped me shift my life. And this is just the beginning of u working together!

Thank you for helping me fall back in love with myself. It's not only helping me with my day-to-day life, but also my role as a mom.

You are the best, Christine!


Christine, you have been incredible throughout this journey. From opening your doors during the lockdown and allowing our little ones join your yoga sessions, to sharing with your own experiences and lessons learned during that time. It's been amazing watching your growth and step into this leadership role. You're a true inspiration and evolution has been both empowering and uplifting!

I'm a bit bummed that I missed out on your family backyard healing session, but i have no doubt that you will soon create something even more remarkable. Your 1:1 spiritual life coaching sessions have been an absolute blessing. Your wisdom has no bounds and its clear that you're destined to make a significant impact on this world.

I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to you for being yourself., for shining brightly, and for allowing me to walk this path with you. I've learned so much from you and I honor to be apart of your journey.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Christine is an absolute delight to work with. Her innate intuition and wholehearted approach make her a remarkable individual. I am incredibly fortunate to have seized the opportunity when Christine opened her doors to a select few for complimentary 1:1 sessions in exchange for testimonials.

During our sessions, Christine utilized her intuition, guiding me through transformative experiences. I gained invaluable breathwork techniques that have empowered me to regulate my nervous system effectively. Additionally, Christine incorporated Reiki and other modalities to release deeply ingrained traumas from my body.

Thanks to Christine, I now posses greater self control over my life. Armed with an arsenal of tools, I can effortless ground myself in the present moment and address my childhood wounds. Moreover, i have acquired the ability to engage in profound conversations without the need for direct confrontation - a remarkable advantage that brings immense benefits while remaining discreet.

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work with Christine, and eagerly anticipate to continue this transformative journey towards self-discovery with her unwavering support by my side.

Warm regards,

Kate xo

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